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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Organisation Manuals

An Organisation Manual provides and supplements additional details to the information supplied by organization chart. It is a ready reference available for the members defining the scope of authorities and responsibilities of management positions. An organizational manual provide uniformity and consistency in the procedure and practices. It also help in delegation of authority and management by exception.

Types of Manual

1. Policy Manual: This manual contains policy decisions, resolution and guidelines given by the management. It gives the scope and limitations within which various policies should operate.

2. Organisation Manual: This manual gives a detailed account of the organization. The authority and responsibility of every person is given in detail to avoid confusion and conflicts among various persons.

3. Rules and Regulations Manual: It contains various rules and regulations followed in the company. The employees get information about working conditions, admissible holidays, procedure for getting leaves sanctioned, the facility and procedure for availing medical facilities, the use of canteen, library etc.

4. Departmental Manual: Separate manuals are prepared for different departments. A departmental manual gives full details about the working of a department.

Advantages of Organisation Manuals

  1. Written Information: The organization Manual provides written record of every important policy, decisions and procedure. There will be no confusion about authority and responsibility.
  2. Helpful in day-to-day working: The detailed rules and regulations specified in the manual helps employees to understand the working of the enterprise.
  3. Avoiding Conflicts: The clear cut authority responsibility relationship among various persons provided by the organization manual helpful to avoid conflicts and duplication of work
  4. Quick Decisions: When all directions and instructions are available in writing then decision taking becomes quick.

Drawbacks of Organisation Manuals

    1. It is Expensive: The preparation of manual is very expensive. So small scale concerns cannot even afford them.
    2. It is Time Consuming: The preparation of Manuals is a very time consuming process. Moreover, these requires a constant review which again takes too much time.
    3. Rigidity: When written guides, instructions and procedures are available then there is hardly any scope for variation. One has to follow prescribed procedures to complete a task so there is no scope for discretion and initiative.

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